
Many Canadians enjoy various cannabis products for medical and recreational use, but hashish remains a timeless favourite. People have enjoyed hashish for centuries due to its potent effects. Hashish contains around 400 compounds, including over 60 cannabinoids, terpenoids, phenols, and other components. Each offers unique effects when consumed, but not all hash samples contain the […]
Read More… from Hashish Composition: How CBD, CBN, and THC Vary Across Different Samples

Are you on the hunt for the ultimate cannabis experience? Purchase cannabis—a strain that’s captivating the cannabis community. What sets this Indica-dominant hybrid apart? This blog will delve into its genetic heritage, distinct parent strains, and why it could be the perfect blend of euphoria and relaxation. Continue reading to find out if cannabis lives up to the […]
Read More… from Is Greasy Pink Bubba the ultimate cannabis strain? Discover its genetic lineage.

Hash and Charas are two potent forms of cannabis resin that have travelled through time and tradition, from ancient rituals to modern recreational use. While they may appear similar to beginners, they have distinct histories and characteristics. Charas is an intriguing resin from the Indian and Nepali Himalayas, made by hand-rubbing the plant. While Western […]
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“`htmlSpeed Greens Canada offers a premium cannabis concentrate known as shatter, celebrated for its exceptional purity, often boasting THC levels that can reach up to 90%. The extraction process effectively isolates terpenes and cannabinoids, making it a favorite among users in Canada who seek a potent and immediate high. While its complexity and strength contribute […]
Read More… from Affordable and Powerful Shatter Choices Available Online in Canada

Cannabis prices are on the rise. The availability of cannabis flower is tightening further throughout 2024 as more cultivation operations at Speed Greens Canada either cut back or halt production due to increasing losses. This decreased supply is expected to push prices even higher. Elevated prices are deterring some users from making purchases, which is […]
Read More… from Cannabis flower prices rise, driving demand for cheaper cannabis options.

Cannabis edibles have become increasingly popular in recent years, and they offer a discreet and long-lasting way to experience the benefits of marijuana. Unlike smoking or vaping, where the effects kick in within minutes, edibles take time before you can feel their effects. By understanding the mechanisms behind this prolonged experience, regular users can learn […]
Read More… from CBD’s Hidden Trick: Extending the Effects of Your cannabis Edibles